
How do you think the simpsons will end?

Since the broadcasted of The Simpsons in 1989, the yellow family has brought a lot of happiness to us. Now it has been finished the 23th season and I watching the season 23 on best the Simpsons complete 1-23 DVD set. So think about where the series is at amongst all characters and how do you think it will end?
A5: It’s not going to end though until at least 2014, the show has been renewed for a 24th season which begins on September 30th as well as a 25th season. I love the show! I watched every episode of the show because it makes me happy!

comes from: http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=Ai292y7z3Vk_HREWXpUAoJAAAAAA;_ylv=0/SIG=137v12h8s/EXP=1344242917/**http%3A//www.dvdsea.com/products/The-Simpsons-Seasons-1-23-DVD-Box-Set-DVDS-2938.html

