
Do you think Walt Disney is a great person?

I love this great person and he is the one shaped all my childhood. His whole being centered around making people happy. Disney World is the happiest place in the world and the Disney DVD boxset animations is so great!

A5: Walt Disney is an inspiration to all people that have either seen his work or been to the theme parks. Walt Disney World is a magical place! The Disney animations are the classic to everyone. There must be a place leaving for your childhood, which has so many Disney characters.
comes from: http://iroiyagami.tumblr.com/post/28326583677/do-you-think-walt-disney-is-a-great-person
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What are Disney's current thoughts on coming back to traditional animation?

I love the Disney’s traditional animation and I wonders whether they will come back to make the traditional animations. I love all the animations on Disney complete DVD box set.

A1: The traditionally-animated film before The Princess and the Frog was Home on the Range. It did very poorly, and Disney decided it would be the LAST traditionally animated film. Several years later they relented with The Princess and the Frog. I think these days the computer-generated animation is cheaper, even as beautifully and elaborately as they do it.
comes from: http://www.dvdsea.com/products/Walt-Disneys-100-Years-Of-Magic-164-Discs-DVD-Boxset-DVDS-1661.html
cartoons: the simpsons seasons 1-23 dvd box set, family guy seasons 1-10 dvd box set

What's the difference between soaps like Desperate Housewives and soaps like Days of Our Lives?

I watched both and i think Desperate Housewives is the one that the actor or actress gets their lines down perfectly and Days of Our Lives usually do their scenes in one take and if they mess up the lines they have to think on their feet and correct the lines! Now Desperate Housewives has been finished. So I bought Desperate Housewives seasons 1-8 DVD boxset for another time watching. I love the show.
comes from: http://iroiyagami.tumblr.com/post/28326782777/whats-the-difference-between-soaps-like-desperate

TV shows for watching: Modern Family seasons 1-3 dvd boxsetGilmore Girls seasons 1-7 dvd boxset

Who is your favorite character on desperate housewives? Who is your least favorite? Why?

In Desperate Housewives seasons 1-8 DVD box set, My favorite character is Gabrielle Solis, now Gabrielle Marquez because i can identify most with her! My least favorite character is Edie because she is always really mean and desperate and uses people.

comes from: http://www.dvdsea.com/products/Desperate-Housewives-Seasons-1-8-DVD-Box-Set-DVDS-2920.html
more tv shows for watching: Modern Family seasons 1-3 dvd box set, Gilmore Girls seasons 1-7 dvd box set


Does anyone know if season 7 will be the last season of supernatural?

I haven’t watched the 7th season of Supernatural but I love the show. Is the season 7 the last season of the show? Will there be any other season of the show?
A5: No, the 7th season is not the final season of the show. After watching the Cheap Supernatural seasons 1-7 DVD box set sale, I know there must be another season of the show and so it does. they are taking it one season at a time right now.

comes from: http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=Ai292y7z3Vk_HREWXpUAoJAAAAAA;_ylv=0/SIG=11r2fhlh5/EXP=1344242880/**http%3A//terrybogo.hyves.nl/whowhatwhere/

When is the series Supernatural coming back?

Supernatural is a nice TV series for watching. After finish the best supernatural seasons 1-7 DVD box set, I’m waiting for the 8th season. When will it come back? 
A1: It is said that the 8th season will broadcast in October 2012 this year. I’m waiting for it, too. Nice TV show!

How do you think the simpsons will end?

Since the broadcasted of The Simpsons in 1989, the yellow family has brought a lot of happiness to us. Now it has been finished the 23th season and I watching the season 23 on best the Simpsons complete 1-23 DVD set. So think about where the series is at amongst all characters and how do you think it will end?
A5: It’s not going to end though until at least 2014, the show has been renewed for a 24th season which begins on September 30th as well as a 25th season. I love the show! I watched every episode of the show because it makes me happy!

comes from: http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=Ai292y7z3Vk_HREWXpUAoJAAAAAA;_ylv=0/SIG=137v12h8s/EXP=1344242917/**http%3A//www.dvdsea.com/products/The-Simpsons-Seasons-1-23-DVD-Box-Set-DVDS-2938.html

What Is The Best Season Of The Simpsons?

The Simpsons has been finished The Simpsons complete seasons 1-23 DVD set sale 23th season and some people said that The Simpsons are past their prime. What time period do you think the best episodes came out and what is your favorite season?
A1: I think different people have different ideas. In my opinion, I believe season 4 is the top season. First of all my favorite episode, “Mr. Plow”, is in season 4. That’s a classic episode with the funny commercials Homer and Barney made promoting their businesses, the fact the two of them figured out in the end that their friendship was more important then money, and it was great seeing that Barney is capable of more then being just that guy we see at Moe’s constantly.
comes from: http://www.dvdsea.com/products/The-Simpsons-Seasons-1-23-DVD-Box-Set-DVDS-2938.html
More tv shows for watching: True Blood complete sale Seasons 1-4 dvd set  The Vampire Diaries complete sale Seasons 1-3 DVD set


What do real Army (military) wives think of "Army wives" on TV?

After watching the hot sale on Army Wives DVD set, I wonder that what the really army wives’ ideas on the show Army Wives?

A4: I have a friend who is an Army wife and she loves the show. She says that it does really address some of the issue that they are faced with on a daily basis.

comes from: http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/171IzU/plus.google.com/u/0/107398999381317154141/posts/DgQgJPapfrt
Other Family Series: Desperate Housewives boxset collection sale online, Modern Family boxset collection sale online

When will the season 6 of Army Wives air?

I finished all the Army Wives seasons 1-5 on DVD set, and I thought it is a nice show for watching so I have been waiting for the season 6 for a long time. I wonder when the show will on air!

A1: Hi there, it is said that the Army Wives season 6 will premiere on September 18, 2012 and it will divided into two parts!

comes from: http://en.netlog.com/lydiamath/blog/blogid=10469878
best tv series for you: Desperate Housewives dvd boxset sale for discount online, modern family dvd boxset sale for discount online


What Doctor Who episode should I start with?

What's a good episode to start watching Doctor Who with? Do I have to watch them in order to understand what's going on?

A2: Actually, each story of the show stands alone, so there is no need watching the show in order. But I have finished Doctor Who DVD because I am a big fan of the show. You could start with "An Unearthly Child," the first episode of the original series from 1963. Or "Rose", which is the first episode from when the series was revived in 2005.

comes from: http://www.foxcrimeasia.com/forum/read.php?20,21588

Should I watch Doctor Who?

I want to watch the show, and I watched an episode of the show but as you know, this is an old show, so it’s hard to find all episodes of the show! I’m interested in the show. Should I go on?

A1: If you are really interested in the show, I think you should have a try. Watch a few of the episodes starring Tom Baker. A lot of fans consider him to be the "best" Doctor. Also you can get the Doctor Who DVD complete seasons if you love the show!
comes from: http://www.dvdsea.com/products/Doctor-Who-Seasons-1-6-DVD-Boxset-DVDS-2760.html

What season of spartacus god of arena and blood sand which the first season?

I finished the Spartacus DVD, god of the arena, blood and sand, vengeance. And I know vengeance comes after blood and sand, but I wonder which one is the first, god of the arena or blood and sand. What’s the relationship with these two shows?

A4: They are both Sparacus seasons. Blood and Sand was about Spartacus, but the guy who played Spartacus became ill, and had to leave the show. Gods of the Arena is the 2nd season, but is a prequal. It's about Gannicus, who was in the first season, but BEFORE Spartacus was in the picture.

Are the TV series Spartacus accurate?

I’ve watched the Spartacus DVD and I want to know whether the tv show Spartacus are accurate to the true Roman Culture during the time of the gladiators.?

A1: if you put aside all the blood and naked women theres alot of things you can learn from the tv show. In the begining of every show it even says "Spartacus is a historical depiction of ancient Rome's society and culture."

comes from: http://blackbananay.livejournal.com/590.html